I had lunch this week with a friend who leads worship at another church. He and his wife have been on an incredible journey this year as they've been in the process of discovering the funds to adopt twin 1-year-old girls from Africa. Their story was inspiring to me because God was so evident in the journey.
Jeff shared with me that early on, a prayer warrior from their church approached them and told them that he believed they should pray that God would surprise them. And man did He!
I got to thinking of all of the great stories in the Bible. Every time God showed up in an amazing way he surprised the people of God.
Think of the great "battle" of Jericho. God gives His battle plan to Joshua: walk around the city one time for six days, then seven times on the seventh day. And the walls fall down. David and Goliath. Saul on the road to Damascus. Jonathan and the Philistines. Gideon and his 300 men.
In every case (and there are so many more), God showed up in a surprising way and saved the day, or changed the course of someone's life, in a way that doesn't make sense from our human perspective.
What would happen if we all prayed that God would surprise us when He answers our prayers. I don't know about you, but when I talk about God, I love a good story. I love a story that can't be attributed to my strength or wisdom. The more glory He gets the better the story.
God surprised me last week, before I started thinking and praying that He would. He met a big financial need using some of His people who knew nothing of our need. There's something cool about opening a card with a surprise in it, but it's even cooler when God gets the glory. Now that's a story.
How will you pray? Send me your story!